"Fetch" has a complete incentive toolbox to help you get paid faster by your customers, especially the late-paying ones. Use the incentive toolbox to offer your customers early payment discounts and installment plan options. For those late payers, automatically add a late payment charge.
Early payment discount
You have the option to switch on "Early payment discounts". Simply increase or decrease the percentage discount you would like to offer customers who pay early. Please note this option will not be available if your invoice terms are set to 'Due on receipt'.
Immediate payment discount
You also now have the ability to reward your customers who pay immediately. This step is also an optional extra and can easily be switched on or off and the percentage discount increased or decreased. Please note this option will not be available if your invoice terms are set to 'Due on receipt'.
Late payment remediation
Installment Plan - Half now, half later
If you end up in an unfortunate situation where a customer is struggling to pay on time then you have the option to offer remediation plans as a last resort. "Fetch" enables customers to settle invoices in installments. Once an invoice is past-due, the installment plan will kick in.
Your customer will be notified by email and once the first half of the invoice is paid, the outstanding balance is then scheduled to be collected the next month. Your customer will again be notified by email once the balance is due and for the second half of the invoice, ipaymy will automatically charge the same credit card that the customer used for the first payment.
Installment Plan - Pay in three installments
Just like the "half now, half later" option, "pay in three installments" allows you to offer customers to pay back over 3 installments instead of two.
Your customer will be notified by email and once the first third of the invoice is paid, the outstanding balance is then scheduled to be collected over the next 2 months. Your customer will again be notified by email once the balance is due for the second and third installments of the invoice. ipaymy will automatically charge the same credit card that the customer used for the first payment.
Late payment fee
For the naughty and regular late payers "Fetch" enables you to add late payment fees. Simply select the percentage penalty fee you wish to add and this will be communicated to the customer in the "overdue invoice" email they receive.