Any business can accept credit card payments through ipaymy except for those engaged in illegal services/solicitation of products and those classified as 'Restricted Businesses,' including but not limited to:
Financial and professional services such as:
Investment & credit services
Money and legal services
Virtual currency or stored value
IP Infringement, regulated or illegal products and services such as:
Adult content and services
Counterfeit or unauthorized goods
Essay Mills
Intellectual property or proprietary rights infringement
Regulated or illegal products or services
Unfair, predatory, or deceptive practices such as:
Get rich quick schemes
Platforms facilitating publication and removal of content
No-value-added services
'High Risk' businesses such as:
Bankruptcy lawyers
Computer technical support and IT help desks
Psychic Service
Travel reservation services and clubs
Airlines, Airfares, and Cruises
Prepaid phone cards, phone services, and cell phones
Telemarketing, telecommunications equipment, and telephone sales
Foreclosure and identity theft protection
Other products or services include:
Drug paraphernalia, substances designed to mimic illegal drugs, and other pharmaceuticals
Embassy, consulate, other foreign governments
Multi-level marketing
Products designed to decrypt, descramble, or jam signals
Social media activity (i.e. sales of followers, likes, etc)
Video game or virtual world credits
Any business or organization that a. engages in encourages, promotes, or celebrates unlawful violence or physical harm to persons or property, or b. engages in, encourages, promotes, or celebrates unlawful violence toward any group based on race, religion, disability, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, or any other immutable characteristic
If you have any questions about if your business can be supported through ipaymy's invoicing tool, please get in touch with us.ย